Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Alex got to see his first snow this Christmas! The forcast said that it was suppose to snow on Christmas, but instead of snow, there was RAIN!!! :( But have no fear, the snow did show up just in time for us to leave, but Alex got to run around and play for a little bit before we got in the car to head back home! This was also Gary's first real snow too! We were both super exicted to snow! I haven't seen snow since 2003:):) I like snow on Christmas, but after that I like that i have picked a warm climet to live in!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

At the Columbus Zoo Christmas Lights!!!

Making the Gingerbread House w/ Daddy!! YUMMY!!!

Alex decorating the Gingerbread House all by himself while Mommy looks on...

We spent the holidays in Columbus, Ohio this year! We went to stay with my brother and sister-in law! It was a blast getting to spend Christmas with my brother, who I haven't spent Christmas with in 6 years! Alex was excited about Santa this year! He got a tone of arts and craft supplies and a new table and chairs! I can't wait to start having Satruday craft days in the New Year! Here are some pictures of the morning events!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Holidays!

It seems as if the time has just flown by this year! I can't believe that is almosy Christmas! We have been a very busy family over the past few months with something to do almost every weekend. We just got back from Walt Disney Workd this past weekend! We went some family and friends of ours... Nick, Jennifer, & Addison Grayson as well as the Dart---Brian, Nancy, Jackson, Hadden, & McCall! It was so much fun this time around because Alex interacts with the characters more. He had the chance to see Winnie the Pooh, Tiger, & Eyore! He just gave them great big hugs! He was also delighted to see Santa and Mrs. Claus this year at Epcot! I gave them a great big hug too and let them know that he has been a good boy this year! I can't believe that Alex is 19 months old!!! It amazing to watch him grow and learn new things. AS you could tell from Halloween, he loves Nemo and watches Nemo & Dory every night before he goes to bed. We are also getting him into some Christmas shows too! We are sp blessed to have Alex in our lives! Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Little Nemo

Alex had a halloween party at his school, so gary and I went over to see him and his friends all dressed up!

At home with daddy, practicing to trick-or-treat!

Alex loves to watch Finding Nemo, so we decided that the best halloween costume would be....NEMO!!! at first, he wasn't so keen on weating the costume, but after wearing his cosutem to school on friday and then again on halloween, he wanted to weat it again on Sunday!!! He was so cute and his tal even moved as if he were swimming!!! NEMO,NEMO,NEMO!

Bon Voyage Brian

It has been way too long....

It has been a long, long time since we have been to update the blog! Between work and raising Alex we have been super busy! And at the same time, Alex has been growing upso quicly and right before out eyes! Today he turned 18 months old! He is talking up a storm, "reading" book with Mommy & Daddy! Running everywhere and becoming so independant! He watches us do something, like vacum and then he wants to do it too! He brings us such joy! To watch him grow everyday just makes our hearts melts. I love to watch him play, watch him sleep, and did say watch him play!

Alex wanted to vacum, so we let him!!

Go Irish!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alex & Addison riding in a box...

Jennifer & I had to get things ready for an event and we had brought home a box from Sams Club. Whenwe had emptied everything out, Alex & Addison hopped in and of course, Nick & Gary pushed them around the living room!

Alex being "SILLY"!!

Alex and Daddy swimming! Alex is wearing a duck life vest. He was actually able to hold himslef up for a few seconds with putting his mouth in the water! Next year he will be swimming with is swimmies with no problem!

Gotta love my shades! I went shopping with Mommy & Auntie Karen and I was " stylin & profilin!"